This book is a compilation taken from all of Peter's eleven books.   It is an excellent example of contemporary poetry looking at today's topics in an entertaining and often humorous way. It has something for everyone, and readers will either be touched or tickled by his words, and probably both.

Peter's poems are a breath of fresh air. They are written for all, and his captivating and informative verses will bring many a smile to the reader and, perhaps, an odd tear. The thoughts he expresses are often those we can identify with and enjoy.

The 176 poems in this book are suitable for all ages and contain no bad language.   They embrace the Ireland of yesterday with its legends and folklore, the Ireland of today with its computers and plastic cards, and touches on the pathos of losing loved ones, the emotions of growing up, the enjoyment of nature, the frustrations of religion, the joys of living, a hint of philosophy and much, much more.

€18.00 (inc. Delivery)

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Peter's books have been produced without any commercial sponsorship or public funding and are totally reliant on sales, for which every individual one is greatly appreciated.